This article is produced by scandiweb

scandiweb is the most certified Adobe Commerce (Magento) team globally, being a long-term official Adobe partner specializing in Commerce in EMEA and the Americas. eCommerce has been our core expertise for 20+ years.

FREE WEBINAR: Introduction to ScandiPWA

ScandiPWA – WHAT, WHY, HOW? In this webinar, you will dive into the world of technologies and purposes behind the ScandiPWA presented in the simplest way possible.

During the webinar, you will learn:

  • How does Magento 2 front end work
  • What is the problem of such solution and how it can be improved
  • How does ScandiPWA implement CSR
  • What is SPA and which benefits does it bring
  • What are the benefits of PWA

When & where?

Join us on the 19th of February at 3 PM GMT.

Sign up for the webinar here.

Find all the essential information about PWA: features, explanation of the tech, real-life case studies and much, much more. Take a look!!

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