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Hyvä Theme Setup Framework by scandiweb

What is Hyvä?

Hyvä is a Magento 2 theme built from scratch using a completely blank theme. Think of it as the usual Magento theme, just rewritten in a different language, using much less code to create a layout and with faster load times on mobile.

If we go more technical, Hyvä takes the conventional Magento (Adobe Commerce) template canvas and removes heavy-weight libraries, such as RequireJS and KnockoutJS, and instead introduces the lightweight AlpineJS. For CSS, Hyvä uses TailwindCSS, which can reduce CSS loading amount by up to 90%.

Hyvä theme does not alter any backend integrations and requires rewriting of only the View layer, keeping all the backend customizations intact. It is also more easily compatible with marketplace extensions than PWA and React frontends.

As Hyvä is built with the traditional Adobe Magento paradigm, it uses the default theme fallback mechanism that allows a merchant to choose which templates will be handled by the classic Luma and which by Hyvä. As a result, you can keep the checkout intact with all the payment and shipping extensions working as usual, while migrating only the product listing and product detail pages to Hyvä to bring the speed and performance where it is needed most.

Benefits of choosing Hyvä

With Hyvä, you build your Magento 2 shop quicker and with a lower budget, and the result is a modern, fast, and smooth experience for your site visitors. In our experience, Hyvä theme’s main benefits are

  • Affordable
  • Native
  • Low-risk
  • Developer-friendly

Let us explain!

Hyvä is an affordable alternative to PWA and headless

Hyvä provides a clear value proposition of template optimization and improved performance on top of the traditional Magento (Adobe Commerce) and costs less.

You can launch Hyvä template-by-template

The Hyvä theme is built using the native Magento fallback mechanism alongside the usual Luma theme, deciding later which templates are delivered by Hyvä and which by Luma. In our experience implementing Hyvä, we typically begin with the templates that pose the greatest challenges, such as the product listing page, while keeping other templates like checkout, custom modules and pages, and other business-critical components intact.

Hyvä can be implemented on a single template basis

You can implement Hyvä on a single template basis and keep key layouts without changes. Comparing Hyvä implementation to a complete re-platforming to React or PWA, which typically requires all templates to be changed, the risk is much lower.

Hyvä has a developer-friendly codebase

Hyvä has a much more gradual learning curve than React and headless, and it uses many techniques that a traditional frontend and backend Magento (Adobe Commerce) developer would be familiar with. We’ve concluded that it only takes a 3-day training program that we have designed internally and 2 weeks of supervision by the Hyvä Competence Center lead to work with Hyvä successfully.

Hyvä theme setup steps

Here at scandiweb, we’ve developed a failproof framework for setting up the Hyvä theme for any store in the least amount of time. Here’s how it works!

STEP 1: Delivery estimate

After our initial meeting, we’ll set up a discovery process to evaluate your eCommerce platform’s current state, performance metrics, and Google ranking. Then, we’ll decide whether a full migration or just a partial transfer using a few templates is the best course of action for your company. Next, we create an action plan for non-technical areas, like data & analytics, PPC campaign setup, and SEO, after reevaluating how the switch to Hyvä will affect them.

STEP 2: Opportunity check

A conversion-driven redesign, SEO, improved data collection and analytics, scalable hosting, PIM, or OMS are all possible ways to enhance your eCommerce operations.

STEP 3: Delivery roadmap

As soon as we get to work, we explain the project delivery roadmap to everyone involved in the various streams, including end-to-end testing, technical SEO, data layer & analytics, and frontend development for Hyvä.

STEP 4: Weekly progress report

You will receive a sprint report outlining outcomes achieved and an update on where we are on the overall project roadmap, as well as an invitation to a demo, once every two weeks or so.

STEP 5: Milestones demo

We also set bigger milestones on the roadmap that combine work from different streams into a demo build of your project, in addition to sprint reports and demos.

STEP 6: UAT and pre-go-live

After all of the scope has been delivered and internally tested, the site goes through an end-to-end UAT and pre-go-live simulation.

STEP 7: Go-live

Usually, a maintenance page is not necessary. You can launch Hyvä on with zero downtime. If we deploy one template, customer sessions are maintained, allowing them to continue to checkout without disruption.

STEP 8: Post-go-live monitoring

During the first week of the go-live, the project delivery, SEO, UX, and data layer teams continue to monitor the site and keep in regular communication with you to ensure that all backend operations are running well and that business metrics are steady.

STEP 9: Further growth

Our eCommerce Growth team can help you continuously enhance your business KPIs and eCommerce operations, or just keep adding new pages to Hyvä!

4 reasons to build Hyvä with scandiweb

1. Page speed and page score improvement

Our clients ask for increased speed and page score, and we contractually promise to deliver that. Hyvä renders the pages on the server side using a method that has been around for decades, drastically lowering dependencies and making the default Magento (Adobe Commerce) templates considerably lighter.

2. Increase in organic traffic

No worries about a negative impact on the site’s rating. When switching to the Hyvä theme, our SEO team has a methodology for technical SEO and URL structure auditing in place. It ensures enhanced SEO results supported by a higher Google page score and faster website loading times.

3. Project quality supervision

Changes to templates also affect data collection, and we take full responsibility for the success of the update to Hyvä. For projects with only one or two pages running on Hyvä, we have designed a GTM extension that offers data layer tracking capabilities.

4. Experience in Hyvä for enterprise

Enterprise has specific requirements for dealing with security, integrations, high-load, performance, SEO, content, data & analytics, and UI/UX, as well as standards for deployment, hosting, and third-party due diligence. We have successfully implemented Hyvä for both private and public businesses with GMV ranging from $150 to $750 million and applied our lessons learned to subsequent projects.

scandiweb’s experience with Hyvä dates back to its release. Being active supporters and contributors to Magento (Adobe Commerce) open-source with ScandiPWA, we quickly realized the benefits of the Hyvä theme and continued to build upon that early on.


Are you considering the Hyvä theme and are interested in the timeline and costs? Get a free estimate now!

Related articles:

How to Work with Hyvä?

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