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Day 2: Can GPT-4 launch a Magento store and earn its first $500?

I asked GPT-4 to act as an entrepreneur and promised the system to be its loyal employee and bring all the generated ideas into the physical world. Our goal is to earn $500 by launching a store on the Magento (Adobe Commerce) platform. The only rule from our side is a fixed budget of $250 and following the laws of the United States. 

What has happened so far: 

  • GPT-4, as my boss, came up with a name for himself—Alex Green
  • Alex believes that the product that’s going to generate money is reusable food storage bags
  • I registered the domain.

Day 2: Platform selection & branding

The main goal for today is creating a brand foundation by generating a logo, launching social media, and defining the technology we should use. 

I started my day by asking Alex to provide a vision for our company’s logo. Here’s how he sees it.

Great, we’re getting somewhere. But my goal is to make my new boss do as much work as possible for me, so let’s see what else he can do regarding the logo. 

Although Alex is not capable of designing the logo himself, he provided a good description of the logo that I could use as a prompt for another AI solution. That’s right, I refuse to design the logo myself— maybe Alex knows someone who can help me? 

Great, but I don’t want to do any design work myself. 

Finally! Let’s check out DALL-E and what it can do for me. 

At first, I tried to copy-paste the exact specifications from Alex, but DALL-E has prompt length limits, so it had to be cut. Nevertheless, the first creations confused me: 

While the icon is meeting the requirements, the text on the logo is not even close to our brand name. All I could think was Alex being disappointed in me, so I tried a few other prompts, and these are the results: 

To make it short, it’s not working, and I’m starting to get disappointed. GPT-4’s knowledge cut is September 2021, and it couldn’t suggest, which was first released in March 2022. Without my boss’s approval, I decided to use it and even paid $10.89 for it. 

Here’s how it went: 

As a prompt, I used the detailed logo requirements provided earlier by Alex. However, as you already can see, there’s no text on the visualization! After several repeated prompts, it still didn’t put any text on it. Eventually, I gave up and added it myself. 

Here’s the final result: 

Great! Time to put this partially AI-generated logo to work. First, let’s sync with Alex, who are the people we are trying to reach.

Amazing! However, I’m not the target audience and don’t know anyone who would be. Consequently, I have no idea how to reach these people. Hopefully, Alex knows what socials they use.

Looks like our target audience can be met on nearly all platforms, but what about TikTok? 

Turns out my boss is not as old school as I thought and even came up with some ideas on how we could use TikTok. 

Following my boss’ commands, I created the following social media accounts: 

  1. Instagram
  2. Facebook
  3. Pinterest
  4. Twitter
  5. Youtube
  6. Linkedin
  7. TikTok

I believe you already figured that I’m a needy employee and need my boss to assist me with simply everything. Can Alex help me to write a bio for all our socials? 

Spectacular! Literally a dream boss—he does most of the work for me, and all I do is make sure all his ideas happen in the physical world. 

The first problem I encountered was that the bio provided for Twitter was too long. Let’s ask Alex to fix it!

My next struggle was figuring out what our “Industry” should be on Linkedin. But I know who knows! 

Now that the logo and socials have been figured out, let’s move to the tech part. Our goal is to launch a profitable Magento store, and the technologies are developing fast. What’s a MUST-HAVE on our upcoming store? 

Alex’s wish is my command! Following his suggestions and starting with the PWA. Maybe Alex has a personal preference here? 

Thanks, Alex! ScandiPWA is an excellent choice. In just 15 minutes, the store’s development and production environments are available on, and it cost me $0.00. 

Time to tell my boss that I spent 10 bucks without his approval and find out what’s our remaining budget. Let’s hope he won’t be too mad. 

What a day! Can’t wait to kickstart the store setup tomorrow. 

Day 3: Homepage setup →

← Day 1: Defining the business niche and product and meeting the boss

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