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Magento CMS for eCommerce Stores

Magento (Adobe Commerce) is known for being a powerful eCommerce platform for building and managing online stores. Whether it’s for a local business with a single store view or an international brand with hundreds of store views—available in multiple languages and transacting in different currencies—Magento is a robust solution that ranks high on the list of eCommerce software that offers all the tools that businesses need to thrive in the eCommerce industry today.

But what about Magento as a content management system?

While Magento’s position as a leading eCommerce solution is well established, its content management capabilities have often been overlooked. In this article, we’ll discuss Magento’s content management features and how they can help you build a strong online presence through content on your eCommerce store.

Can you use Magento as a CMS?

What is an eCommerce CMS?

A content management system (CMS) is an application that enables users to create, modify, and manage digital content. In eCommerce, a CMS allows businesses to publish and edit the content on their online stores without working with codes, thus simplifying the process and reducing the need for developer support when marketing content needs to be pushed out.

Can you use Magento as a CMS?

Can you use Magento (Adobe Commerce) as a CMS? Definitely. In fact, you should! With Magento CMS, you can build complex pages with rich content, create different page versions, manage publishing privileges, and more. 

Why choose Magento CMS?

Over a quarter million eCommerce sites globally are powered by Magento (Adobe Commerce). And businesses use the platform because it works, is reliable, and has an army of certified developers they can turn to for support. Then, there’s Adobe and Adobe Experience Cloud.

If you want to know what makes Magento (Adobe Commerce) great for building online stores, that’s for another discussion. The question we want to answer right here is: Why choose Magento CMS?

Here are some compelling reasons to choose Magento CMS for running an online store.

1. Magento CMS is easy to use

You want to create engaging, high-value content for your eCommerce store so you can provide richer shopping experiences for your customers. And complexities when managing and publishing content get in the way of that. Magento CMS is easy to use and manage, so you can regularly create new and refresh your content without concerning your marketing staff with technical aspects that will only drag the process out. Want to update your content daily or hourly? Or maybe you want to schedule and preview content changes before publishing them? Magento CMS lets you do that and more.

2. Magento CMS is SEO-friendly

Magento CMS has built-in search engine optimization features that you can readily use, including tools for adding meta descriptions, tags, SEO-friendly URLs, short URLs, sitemaps, filters based on product attributes that make for a faster product search—equals shorter page load times, hence better site performance—and extensions that can make your eCommerce site even faster. Not only will customers be happy with such improved performance of your online store, but search engines will notice, too. Using a content management system that is SEO-friendly is crucial if you want to rank in SERPs and attract organic traffic.

3. Magento’s Page Builder simplifies the creation and editing of pages

Thousands of Magento extensions and themes are easily accessible through the Magento (Adobe Commerce) Marketplace. The availability of a wide range of extensions and themes makes it easier to build a working site right away, with the possibility of customizing later and adding more advanced functionalities.

One of the most important Magento extensions for content management, and one we can’t miss when talking about Magento (Adobe) CMS, is Page Builder. Page Builder is a drag-and-drop content tool that allows you to add, move around, adjust, and remove different types on a page, including:

  • Layout – row, column, tabs
  • Elements – text, heading, buttons, divider, HTML code
  • Media – image, video, banner, slider, map
  • Content – block, dynamic block, products

With Page Builder, you can create entirely new pages, edit existing pages, change up the page design, and add widgets for different purposes with no coding involved.

4. Magento CMS works well for mobile devices

With Magento CMS, you can create responsive pages that display and work well on mobile devices, add mobile-friendly checkout, and provide mobile-optimized shopping support, among many other Magento CMS features that help make your online store perform well on mobile. A responsive website offers an enhanced browsing experience for customers in your eCommerce store—and this is what we need to keep them engaged as we try to move them further along the sales funnel.  

Magento CMS Elements

You need to learn about these three elements if you’re going to use Magento as a CMS: pages, blocks, and widgets. Let’s briefly examine what they are for and how to use them.

1. Magento CMS pages

The Magento CMS page module is what you use to create pages. A page can include blocks, images, text, and widgets, among others. 

Core content

You will find templates of the most common content pages, which you can customize to your needs, when you install sample data for Magento. These pages include:

  • Home
  • About Us
  • Privacy Policy
  • Customer Service
  • Enable Cookies
  • Service Unavailable
  • 404 – Not Found

Nevertheless, you can create these pages from scratch using Page Builder if you prefer to start with a clean slate.

Adding a new page

If you prefer to start with an empty page and add content types one by one, the drag-and-drop functionality of Magento (Adobe) Page Builder makes it easy. You can add and manipulate text, images, blocks, and widgets without using code.

Using the editor

By default, a WYSIWYG editor is enabled in Magento CMS. You can use it to create rich content on CMS pages and blocks even if you don’t know HTML. But if you prefer, you can switch to an HTML editor without issues.  


The Magento CMS workspace is where you can quickly search for pages and run commands to perform routine maintenance on a single or several pages. Here you can find different information about the pages (title, URL, status, layout, etc.) and do the following actions: edit, delete, enable, disable.

2. Magento CMS blocks

Magento CMS blocks are content blocks you can place anywhere on a page. With these blocks, you can define different sections on a page, and inside them, you can add various content items such as text, photos, and videos, as well as widgets and other blocks.

3. Magento CMS widgets

Magento CMS widgets are snippets of code that allow you to add dynamic content to your pages. These widgets are especially useful when you want to show content that shows content from an external source or that updates automatically, such as a countdown timer when a sale is starting or ending. Using widgets is a great way to add engaging content to your pages.

Frequently asked questions

1. What is Magento CMS?

While Magento (Adobe Commerce) is known as an eCommerce platform, it is also a powerful content management system (CMS) that you can use to build pages and publish content. 

2. Why choose Magento CMS?

Magento CMS is a powerful CMS that is easy to use, SEO-friendly, simplifies the creation and editing of pages, and works well for mobile devices.

3. How does Magento CMS work?

Magento CMS uses a drag-and-drop module called Page Builder to make the creation and editing of pages as easy as possible. You can easily add and manipulate text, images, blocks, and widgets to create engaging pages on your eCommerce store.

Want to know more about using Magento as a content management system? Get in touch and we’d be happy to tell you more. If you’d like to learn about all the Magento (Adobe Commerce) services we offer, visit our Adobe Commerce and Magento services page.

Related articles:

Magento Series: Working with CMS Pages

Enhanced CMS and Localization Management

Magento Series: Working with CMS Blocks


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