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scandiweb Becomes Certified BigCommerce Partner

We’re happy to announce a new partnership with BigCommerce⁠—scandiweb is now listed as a Certified Partner in the BigCommerce Partner directory.

The listing highlights scandiweb’s range of services: from eCommerce strategy, business discovery and planning, and PIM implementation, to CRO and CX optimization, SEO, and a full-stack dedicated eCommerce growth team.

BigCommerce is a fully hosted Software as a Service (SaaS) platform and a NASDAQ-listed eCommerce platform. They call themselves an open SaaS platform because they are SaaS (like Shopify) but open for heavy customizations as open source (like Magento). BigCommerce is also used as API’s first eCommerce engine, integrated with CMS systems like AEM or WP. They have been actively growing and recently increased focus around the Nordic region.

Get in touch

As an official BigCommerce partner, scandiweb is ready to take on the challenge of any B2C and B2B commerce project and leverage the platform to build top digital solutions and innovate together.

Get in touch with scandiweb’s executive team and project managers directly by sending a message in the orange chat bubble to your right or contact us at [email protected].

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