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SEO Case Study: URL Restructure Leads to +150% in Conversion Rate


Mrs Wordsmith is an innovative educational brand that combines Hollywood-quality animation and advanced game design to create engaging learning materials for children aged 4-11. Their products include books, games, and apps to enhance reading and writing outcomes while making the learning experience fun and memorable.

When scandiweb’s SEO team started to work on Mrs Wordsmith’s international SEO strategy, their Shopify store had three subdomains targeting US, UK, and AU markets and a lot of duplicate pages with the same exact content. The main goal of the new SEO setup was to migrate subdomains to subfolders and restructure URLs, leading to increased organic traffic and conversions.


Technical SEO

scandiweb SEO team performed an in-depth technical SEO audit to fix internal errors and bugs and improve the technical SEO state before migration and URL restructuring. For the URL restructuring and migration from subdomains to subfolders to be seamless, it required thorough planning and support.

During the website quality audit and 6-month traffic data analysis, we spotted several improvement areas. As part of the technical fixes, we worked on a 0-click page and duplicate page clean-up strategy to let Google index and rank only valuable pages with growth opportunities. We also implemented hreflang tags, ensuring that the website serves the most relevant language and regional URL to users for enhanced localization and targeting. By integrating structured data, we made it easier for search engines to understand the content on Mrs Wordsmith website. 

The scandiweb SEO team provides ongoing technical SEO monitoring to ensure the client’s website complies with best practices and any potential issues are identified and addressed promptly.

Recognizing the importance of Core Web Vitals (CWV) and overall site performance, we have set requirements to ensure the website loads quickly, is responsive, and offers a smooth user experience, benefiting users and helping with search engine rankings.

UX improvements

In collaboration with the scandiweb CRO team, we organized on-page content planning and prepared guidelines for landing page optimization. We also developed a new navigation menu and implemented second-level menu items—collection pages to improve the user experience.

URL restructuring

Previously, from an SEO perspective, each market subdomain was treated as a separate website with its own KPIs. This setup had multiple issues:

  • Temporary 302 redirects (due to A/B tests)
  • Slow page speed
  • Each domain had its own domain rate, backlink profile, and organic keyword value.

We migrated to the Global market, placing all markets under one domain. This resulted in a higher domain rate and organic keyword value for the whole website, increased page speed, and strengthened global US market and SERP results.

After that, the SEO team ensured 301 redirect mapping for the entire site’s new URL structure and improved US, UK, and AU market targeting in search results. 

As for on-page SEO, the project involved researching new product launches and niche-specific keywords to develop optimized content. 


Since the new SEO strategy development, many keywords have improved their rankings, and several pages rank in the top positions in search engines, including getting the featured snippet in Google by improved technical SEO and implemented structured data markup.

With new collection pages, there are positive keyword movements in Mrs Wordsmith keyword profile. The brand has also climbed +7 positions in the URL rating.

Here are the improvements if we look at global markets YOY:

  • +45% total clicks
  • +150% conversion rate
  • +200% organic revenue

Highlights for global KPIs in the last 6 months

  • +65% organic traffic 
  • +100% keyword visibility rate
  • +80% top-3 ranking keywords

Need assistance in driving organic traffic to your international store? Have additional SEO concerns? Our team is up for any challenge! Browse our SEO services or write us a message, and we’ll get back to you in 48h.

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