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10 Best Practices When Upgrading Magento 2 (Adobe Commerce)

Upgrading Magento 2 (Adobe Commerce) can be a complex process, but it is crucial for keeping your eCommerce store running smoothly and up to date with the latest features and security patches. To ensure a successful upgrade, it’s essential to follow best practices that will minimize the risk of downtime, data loss, and other issues.

Here are 10 best practices for upgrading Magento 2 (Adobe Commerce):

1. Plan ahead

Planning ahead is crucial to ensure a successful upgrade. Set aside enough time to complete the upgrade process and ensure that you have all the necessary resources before starting. This will help minimize the risk of downtime and data loss and ensure that the upgrade process goes smoothly. The time it takes to upgrade Magento 2 (Adobe Commerce) will vary depending on the size of your store and the complexity of your customizations, so be sure to plan accordingly.

2. Back up

Back up your store data and files—including the database, media, and code—before starting the upgrade process. It is paramount to have a fallback plan in case something goes wrong during the upgrade and you need to restore your site to its previous state. Using a backup service that automatically creates backups of your site at regular intervals would be a good move.

3. Check compatibility

Before upgrading Magento 2 (Adobe Commerce), ensure that all third-party extensions, themes, and custom code are compatible with the latest version. Outdated extensions can cause compatibility issues and prevent your site from functioning correctly after the upgrade. Ensure that the upgrade process does not cause data loss, corruption, broken links, or missing features. Also, check that all pages and forms are working correctly.

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4. Review change log

Review the Magento 2 (Adobe Commerce) change log to see what changes and updates have been made in the latest version, including changes in the code, database, and file structure. It’s always good to know what to expect from the upgrade so you can plan for any changes that may impact your site. 

5. Update extensions

Update any extensions or plugins before upgrading Magento 2 (Adobe Commerce). Outdated or incompatible extensions can cause issues and prevent your eCommerce store from working correctly after the upgrade. That is enough reason to update extensions and plugins when upgrading Magento 2 (Adobe Commerce). But additionally, many extensions are updated to take advantage of new features and functionality in the latest version of Magento 2 (Adobe Commerce). They also receive security updates to address vulnerabilities that attackers could exploit. By updating your extensions, you can take advantage of the new features of Magento 2, ensure that your site continues to run optimally, and keep it secure. 

6. Perform code review

A code review involves reviewing all custom code, including any custom modules, plugins, and theme modifications. Conduct a code review to identify any custom code that may need to be updated. Custom code that was written for an older version of Magento 2 (Adobe Commerce) may not be compatible with the latest version.

Conducting a code review is an important best practice that can help minimize the risk of compatibility issues, ensure that your custom code is optimized for the latest version of Magento 2 (Adobe Commerce), and protect your site from attackers that could exploit security vulnerabilities in your custom code. 

7. Clean up data

Over time, your Magento 2 (Adobe Commerce) installation may accumulate large amounts of redundant, outdated, or irrelevant data that can slow down your site and impact its performance. Clean up any redundant or unused data to reduce the amount of data to transfer during the upgrade process. Remove any products that are no longer in stock, old customer data, and any other data that you don’t need anymore. This will speed up the upgrade process and help minimize the risk of data loss or corruption.

Cleaning up data can also help improve your site’s security by reducing the risk of data breaches and other security threats. By removing unnecessary data and keeping only the data that is important to your business, you can reduce the attack surface of your site and protect your sensitive data and customer information.

8. Test the upgrade

Do a test run of the upgrade process in a staging environment before implementing it on your live site. Doing so will allow you to see how the upgrade will impact your eCommerce site, identify any potential issues, and make any necessary adjustments. Verify that the upgrade process is done correctly and that all features and functionality are working as expected. By testing the upgrade in a staging environment, you can identify and resolve any potential issues before they become a problem on your live site. It will also help minimize the risk of downtime and data loss. 

9. Monitor the upgrade

Monitor the upgrade process closely to ensure that everything is running smoothly. Keep an eye on the progress of the upgrade and look for any issues or errors that may occur. Review the logs and check for any error messages that come up. Check that all functionality is working correctly and monitor your site’s performance. If you encounter any issues, it’s essential to address them immediately to minimize the risk of downtime or data loss and ensure that the upgrade process is completed successfully. 

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10. Test thoroughly

After the upgrade process is complete, thoroughly test the site to ensure all functions and features are working correctly. Verify that your frontend, backend, custom code, and extensions are functioning correctly. Check that product pages, customer accounts, and the checkout process are all running as they should. 

By thoroughly testing your site after the upgrade, you can identify and address any issues that may have arisen during the upgrade process. This can help prevent any unexpected downtime or data loss and ensure that your site performs optimally after the upgrade.

Wrapping up

By following these best practices, you can ensure a smooth and successful upgrade of Magento 2 (Adobe Commerce). Failing to follow these best practices can result in compatibility issues, data loss, and other problems that can impact the functionality and performance of your site. So, be sure to plan ahead, backup your site, test the upgrade, and follow these best practices to ensure a seamless upgrade process.

scandiweb has developed, migrated, and updated hundreds of Magento (Adobe Commerce) stores in the past decade and a half. Book your Magento store upgrade with us and rest assured that your eCommerce store is in good hands. Contact us here or email us at [email protected]. Limited slots available.

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