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Next Level Customer Relationship Management with OroCRM – Part Two

Customer relations are everything. It can make or break your business and so it is imperative to devote enough time and resources to build relationships and find the right tools to help you succeed. From our experience we’ve found that OroCRM is the solution you want to use both due to customisability and out-of-the-box features.

In the second part of this three part series, we’ll look at customer loyalty, web tracking, customer segmentation and various forms of analysis. If you missed part one, please follow this link and read it before proceeding as that will provide the most value and context.

How to drive customer loyalty in OroCRM

In pursuit of innovation and claiming new source of sales, a European car manufacturer gave us a challenging task to develop a CRM (customer relationship management) solution, altered to the needs of motor vehicle trade specifics. Default functionality of OroCRM has a resource to implement this idea into life, and that’s why we chose it — what we had to do was to customize it to our clients needs.

In the previous case study part, we have been talking about features that will be mostly used by our clients’ sales department, but we also haven’t forgotten about marketing department. So, here are tips on how to drive customer loyalty in OroCRM by the example of the car market.

Car brand loyalty depends on a whole lot of different factors. A well-designed customer loyalty program has the power to transform your business. If you need arguments in favor of this idea: it costs 5 times more to attract new customers than it does to keep current ones. OroCRM provides 5 basic tools to manage customers and drive loyalty.

OroCRM Web tracking

In its default functionality OroCRM website tracking remembers which products or categories your customer is browsing, which pages they visited, and which items they added to their cart. The tracking engine is also capable of recognizing anonymous activity and connecting it to customer accounts once created.

In our particular case, there is a configurator on the site that is designed for customers to pick up a car model and then customize it to a personal needs. The customer has to choose engine type, exterior, interior, packages, options, and accessories, and it’s not necessarily that he does all of it at one site visit. The customer may visit the site multiple times before he decides to make a purchase.

Customer behavior tracker for this project is customized in a way to save an information on actions that request confirmation in order to proceed. For example, a user have chosen an exterior, clicked “Next step” and passed to selecting an interior. All the data is aggregated by marketing analytics system and then is send to OroCRM. Collected data will be used by the client for various purposes.

How will this data be used? Here are our use cases.

  • The user can revisit the site and proceed with his order at the same place with same options he got interrupted a previous time
    The data is recorded by marketing analytics system and afterward moved and processed by OroCRM. Then finance data app identifies the client, finds and restores the options on order based on data retrieved from OroCRM’s API.
  • Marketing department of a European car maker uses collected data for creating refined customer segments and launching advanced targeting campaigns
    Social media allows launching advanced targeting campaigns where you can target customers by uploading an information on people who visited your website, so they see personalized advertising content — in this particular case, a commercial of a car model they have been viewing on the site. The client also needs his potential customers to be organized into meaningful groups to make personalized offers.

Marketing department uses collected data to analyse global user behavior in order to improve UX. Thanks to customer behaviour tracker it is possible to monitor at which step users are mostly leaving the website or how many visits to the site it usually takes for a customer to to make an order, and if customers are too slow and decisions hesitant, you can improve user experience by searching for mistakes and fixing them.

Customer Segmentation in OroCRM

Customer segmentation is a fundamental thing for implementing marketing campaigns with the successful output. In its simplest form, it is dividing customers into groups of people with different values and priorities and willingness to pay. It allows set up marketing activities exactly to the customer needs: that way you can explore overall market dynamics, match products to customer preferences and establish better public relationships.

In OroCRM an opportunity to create segments lies within its default functionality. All you have to do is to choose a basis and the fields that have to be represented in a segment, add filters to set criteria and click “save”. It’s a little more complicated for this project though, because we had to customize the functionality to divide customers into groups based on different auto sales related criteria:

  • payment method (cash, leasing, trade-in deal);
  • type of car (coupe, sedan, hatchback, SUV, MPV, and etc.);
  • type of buyer (natural person, juridical person);
  • insured accidents;
    and so on.

There is a multi-selection option, so you can, for example, get information on those customers who had purchased sports utility vehicles and then got into accidents or purchased luxury vehicles and paid for them in cash. OroCRM generates a datagrid that can be exported in csv. or xls. format and then be used for different marketing purposes.

You can then go further and create customer profiles to reach target audience — that’s possibly the best way to take a closer look at who your customers are and compare your expectations to reality. To create a buyer persona you have to describe his/hers demographics, psychographics and behavior. After that, you can relevantly speak to your audience.

OroCRM Marketing lists

Marketing lists will be created and then used for the purpose of identifying customers to target using OroCRM’s built in email campaign feature. Different customer segments are going to get newsletters with personalized content. If you have a compact MPV (multi-purpose vehicle) in your garage, you will most likely receive an e-mail with tips on going to a road trip with your family and if you have a SUV, you’ll get rallying news, analysis and stats.

Measuring campaigns in OroCRM

After you have established segments and launched campaigns, you have to measure its effectiveness and determine returns on investments. In OroCRM you can compare different marketing campaign effectiveness which optimizes your marketing strategy and also improves user productivity as now all users will be looking at the same information and same product. There is no need for a constant sync-up.

The thing is, our client has representative offices in countries all around the world, which are responsible for launching campaigns on local markets — usually, it’s done with the assistance of digital agencies, and they do their own reports which are sent to local departments. We solved this problem by making different user roles and accesses for those who work in digital agencies, so they can launch campaigns and measure the results right through OroCRM.

RFM analysis

Though selling cars is harder than selling probably any other consumer goods due to a complexity of the product and price tag, RFM (Recency, Frequency, and Monetary) analysis is still going to be used on the project in its default functionality to assess consumer usage and attitudes. The client can use RFM analysis to monitor VIP customers who have spent “x” amount of dollars or those who purchased.

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Read part three →

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