Our client operates a military and outdoor gear store with a physical location and a website. scandiweb was tasked to develop a dedicated website for their product Mil-Coffee—a special coffee blend made in collaboration with Rocket Bean Roastery.
Previously, the client sold the coffee product on their website alongside military and outdoor gear. They needed the new store to help them differentiate the unique products they were selling.
Their coffee brand is also used to share awareness about military veterans, and part of their sales are donated to Latvian veterans. Mil-Coffee actively cooperates with the Ukrainian Embassy in Riga, openly voicing their support.
The client wanted a website that focused specifically on their coffee product, coffee delivery subscription, and coffee-related accessories. The Black Rifle Coffee Company heavily inspired the vision for the website.
The project’s main objectives were to merge coffee and military themes and create a visually exceptional website showcasing their products and initiatives.
After evaluating the challenges and our client’s business model, scandiweb suggested building their website on Shopify, an easy-to-manage eCommerce solution. Shopify was the ideal choice because the merchant doesn’t hold many products, and their internal processes are quite simple. It allows for easy maintenance for the merchant and ready-to-go integrations with 3rd party providers.
When choosing the Shopify theme, we focused on something that helps Mil-Coffee showcase two main topics—coffee and military. We settled on the Be Yours theme, which, with minor styling adjustments and custom-made sections, combines both nicely.

The website is comprised primarily of a simple product listing page (PLP) and two separate blogs: ambassadors of Mil-Coffee and Veteran Fund.

Even though Shopify allows the installation of fully-functional and customizable themes, it often lacks certain elements or configuration options that our merchant specifically envisioned. The scandiweb team worked closely with the client to tailor the website to suit their current and future needs. Ultimately, we provided the merchant with a good-looking and easy-to-manage content management solution.
With creativity and customization, we managed to put everything together and meet the client’s expectations. Our client even recognized the site’s look as better than the previously mentioned Black Rifle Coffee Company website, which was referenced as inspiration multiple times during the project. Browse mil-coffee.com for yourself!

The project involved creating a fresh website, and we have opened an amazing-looking website that can be used to promote coffee products and continue supporting Latvian military veterans.
Are you preparing to launch an eCommerce store and need help figuring out where to start? Is your website in need of a redesign? Contact our team for a free consultation, and we’ll find the best tech and design solution for your business!
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