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Comparing product feeds for Magento 2: Xtento or GoDataFeed, Rocketweb extension?

“It’s time to sell our products in Google Shopping“—a fellow eCommerce director may tell, “or Facebook catalog, Bing Shopping, Shopzilla, or can go as far as pushing your product catalog to Amazon!”

CSEs (Comparison Shopping Engines) are an effective way to reach shoppers who are already ready to buy.

I have worked with hundreds of product feeds set up for merchants worldwide. This time we investigated GoDataFeed, Rocketweb feeds, and Xtento Product Feeds extension functionalities and capabilities.

Note: this post is in no way affiliated with any Product Feeds extension providers, we are just sharing our own real-life experience working on one of the most complex Magento 2 builds in the world.


The Rocketweb feeds solution has its limitations and is not flexible for different use cases of customization. The module can be good for very simple feed generation, however, lacks functionality to:

  • use PHP functions for advanced feed generation/customization
  • filter out products by certain attributes
  • user feed generation rules to, e.g., apply filters used in godatafeed to set “gender” to “female” based on the “girl” attribute used in the backend. In such cases, you should either re-configure products or do it through Xtento by a simple rule.

To summarize, the Rocketweb module, unfortunately, will not be the best long-term solution for the Product Feeds generation for Google Shopping and Facebook product catalog needs.

Especially considering adding more stores and store-views, and the complexity of the rules/content for feeds could also increase. There is no way to filter out products by attributes except for manually disabling products in the product configurations.


Xtento Product Feeds module has a highly flexible Product Export creation technique that you can tailor to 78 different marketplaces. It allows us to apply complicated solutions with the lowest time investment, and the ability to filter and adjust products based on the filtering allows more customizations to be done if any are required.

While on the surface, all Product Feed Solutions for Magento 2 look similar, our experience has shown fewer troubles working with the Xtento Product Feeds module than any other, getting more flexibility with lower time consumption.

Interested in more details? Just reach out to [email protected], and we will be more than happy to share our experience and know-how.

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