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UAE eCommerce: The Latest Industry Insights and Trends

The United Arab Emirates has emerged as a dynamic and rapidly expanding eCommerce market, driven by a tech-savvy population and a government committed to fostering a digital economy.

This report examines the eCommerce landscape in the UAE, focusing on Dubai’s potential as a hub for innovation, technology, and trade. Additionally, it considers eCommerce trends in the UAE, how UAE shoppers purchase online, their popular payment methods, and key platforms for launching an eCommerce website.

Dubai’s potential for eCommerce

Dubai’s potential as a leading center for Middle Eastern eCommerce expansion is strengthened further by its infrastructure, efficient logistics abilities, and business-friendly legislation. With increasing eCommerce startups and worldwide merchants setting up business in Dubai, the city is attracting more eCommerce activity across the whole value chain.

The Dubai government has launched the Dubai eCommerce strategy, which aims to increase foreign direct investment in the eCommerce industry while expanding the market share of Dubai-based enterprises in local and regional distribution.

The key objectives of the strategy include

  • Reducing the overall cost of conducting eCommerce activities by 20%, encompassing expenses related to storage, customs fees, VAT, transportation, and other associated costs
  • Streamlining administrative requirements and minimizing paperwork for goods passing through free zones, thereby reducing fees imposed on such goods.
  • Launching Dubai CommerCity developed a free trade zone for eCommerce projects in three primary clusters: business, logistics, and social events.

UAE eCommerce trends

  1. Direct to consumer
  2. Online grocery boom
  3. Websites only in English
  4. Rise in tech-investment
  5. Digital payment methods
  6. Predictive personalization
  7. Enhanced delivery
  8. Omnichannel approach
  9. Progressive Web Apps
  10. Metaverse shopping

If you want to learn more about UAE eCommerce statistics, trends, and developments, access your free copy of the research below!

In this report, you will learn about

  • UAE eCommerce trends
  • How UAE consumers purchase online
  • Payment transformation
  • Main players in eCommerce
  • Web technology usage trends

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