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Enhanced CMS and Localization Management

Magento’s default CMS management has room for improvement. Different stores require the creation of different store views, and for merchants seeking to tailor to a global audience, this amounts in a lot of hassle when it comes to campaign management. Furthermore, the creation of new pages is a difficult feat without developer involvement, hence the creation and maintenance of every new landing page is a time consuming and, in turn, costly process.

It doesn’t have to be. Scandiweb has developed an enhanced CMS and localization management system, originally for a client and now available to others, to make life considerably easier for CMS managers all around the world.

Business challenges & goals


  • Ecommerce platform with 25 different stores and 10+ unique languages;
  • Regular campaign creation ( close to every week ) that differs in content, language / localization, layout and design for all 25 store views;
  • Using Magento default CMS management one campaign requires CMS administrator to create and maintain separately 25 different CMS pages. Each localization would have separate Magento CMS page in admin panel making it really hard to find and maintain all campaigns with all their localizations – time consuming;
  • Developer involvement needed in order to create new landing page CMS pages that differ from those previously created.


  • To consolidate all pages that use the same URL to one admin view for user-friendly experience and solve the localization problem;
  • To allow CMS administrators to easily design, build, enrich and manage campaign and other CMS pages from Magento admin only, using multiple pre-built user-friendly, versatile widgets / building blocks;
  • To save time and costs for campaign and CMS page creation and management;
  • To enable administrators to create the campaign pages with no development code required, enabling a ‘developer free’ cms page and campaign creation;

All of the above was achieved by creating a feature-rich system that empowers the CMS administrators to take full control of the process, by making it centralized, intuitive, and easy to work with. Here are some of the features that help achieve just that.

Feature Highlights

  • Localizations: Consolidates all pages that use the same URL to one admin view. Ability to manage all site localizations / store views from one view;
  • Widgets: 8+ pre-built widgets for fast page creation with no code required ( Video, products grid, images + CTA, wysiwyg etc.);
  • Duplication: Allows admin to duplicate pages from other localizations to enable fast campaign designing for similar localizations e.g. Austria and Germany or US and UK;
  • Inline CSS: Allows admin to define campaign specific CSS properties from Magento admin;
  • Inline JS: Allows admin to define campaign specific JavaScript properties from Magento admin;
  • Scheduling: Allows admin to schedule each building block / widget that eases and saves time the campaign maintenance for advanced marketing purposes
  • Drag & Drop: Allow admin to design pages and manage content layout easily with intuitive drag drop admin interface;
  • Responsive design options: The “design in” tool bar allows admin to configure responsiveness for mobile, tablet and desktop screens;.
  • SEO optimization: Supports admins with easy management and customization in accordance with SEO optimization.
  • Facebook Open Graph properties: Ability to mark up your website with Open Graph tags to take control over how your content appears on Facebook.

What this amounts to is time saved and a smarter use of your resources. The benefit of having a user-friendly admin panel enables the CMS manager to work without developer involvement. What’s more, this solution is easily extendable, meaning further room for improvements and additional features that your business would benefit the most from.

Are you struggling to stay on top of Magento’s CMS management features? You don’t have to. Get in touch with us let’s discuss how an enhanced CMS and localization management can help you drive revenue, save time, and save costs.

Related articles:

Magento Series: Working with CMS Pages

Catalog Localization with Facebook (Meta) Language and Country Feeds

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