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Case Study: BUFF Replatforms to Adobe Commerce

BUFF® is an international outdoor apparel manufacturer that has been successfully selling directly to customers through its eCommerce stores for years. To grow its D2C business even further, the company decided it was time to move to a more powerful platform that could support its strengthened business and revenue growth plans.

Growing business needs

BUFF was on Magento Open Source, and they found that the platform and resources available to them no longer matched their needs. The company wanted to prioritize optimizing customer experience, conversion rates, UX, and checkout—and a platform with strong data-driven D2C capabilities to support these optimization strategies was what they needed. Upgrading to Adobe Commerce seemed to be the best move.

With Adobe Commerce, BUFF would have access to advanced functionalities in addition to the scalable cloud service and better security that the platform offered. Page Builder with content staging and preview, Adobe Sensei-powered product recommendations, Adobe Target for automation and personalization, business intelligence tools, and 24/7 support are all welcome and much-needed components of the upgrade.

The move

BUFF migrated from Magento Open Source to Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure with the ScandiPWA frontend. And the main drivers for the decision were the cloud service, content tools, and advanced features integrated into the platform.

In addition, the enhanced security, 99% cloud availability SLA, and dependable support that came with Adobe Commerce meant BUFF could focus on running the business instead of site maintenance and security.

Meanwhile, BUFF and Scandiweb have been working together on diverse eCommerce projects for many years, including ongoing development and optimization projects. And this replatforming project is another testament to the good relationship the two companies have built along the way.

Scope of work

To properly assess the project’s magnitude and address important issues before any actual development work, and to help BUFF reach a final decision on the move, Scandiweb prepared a high-level overview of the company’s existing platform. As could be expected with a replatforming project, it would be complex and involve a lot of integrations—a  massive digital ecosystem rebuild.

  • Migration from Magento Open Source to Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure with ScandiPWA frontend
  • Complete frontend redesign
  • Integration with
    • Product information management (PIM) system
    • Return merchandise authorization (RMA) system
    • Marketing automation platform
    • E-commerce feed management platform
  • Drag-and-drop customization module with 3D models for tubulars
  • Various third-party integrations and custom modules to support business-specific workflow
  • User testing of new designs
  • CRO consultancy
  • SEO support


Adobe Commerce with ScandiPWA frontend is now home to 44 BUFF stores catering to 59 countries. The new platform supports eight languages and multiple currencies.

Organic traffic has remained healthy after more than 120K 301 redirects were created as part of the SEO strategy during migration.

Here’s what’s been done after the move:

  • Monthly alignment of conversion optimization-focused deliverables between BUFF and our Growth Team
  • Data tracking improvements
  • Menu navigation optimization
  • Checkout optimization

New features added:

  • Product Mix & Match to promote cross-selling
  • Drag-and-drop customization for BUFF tubulars with interactive 3D models

BUFF and Scandiweb continue to work together on new integration and optimization projects to support the business and revenue goals of the company.

Looking for an eCommerce partner to help you grow and reach new heights? Scandiweb can be your growth partner—having delivered more than 250 Adobe Magento projects since 2009, we understand that a mere platform launch will not guarantee success. Get in touch with one of our eCommerce experts today to know more about how Scandiweb can help you get your business where you want it to go.

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