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Strategic eCommerce Practices for the Beer Subscription Industry

Amidst a promising industry outlook and active trade in the region, our client’s eCommerce business is facing a puzzling challenge: why are the sales dropping? The client is in the craft beer business in the US, where it is expected to reach $221 billion by 2028.

scandiweb is all about helping eCommerce businesses grow and triumph over challenges. Our approach involves crafting customized strategies that cater to the unique needs and circumstances of each business, setting them on a clear path toward achieving success. In this post, we’ll lay out our game plan for overturning that negative revenue trend and transforming this client’s business. Keep reading so you don’t miss out!

Market research: Understanding our client’s customers

Our initial step involved thorough market research, serving three key purposes: identifying who our audience is, understanding how they shop, and uncovering what matters most to them. 

Target audience

Identifying the target audience stands as the cornerstone of any successful eCommerce venture. It is the compass that guides every subsequent decision. By precisely pinpointing the individuals most likely to resonate with a product or service, we can tailor our marketing efforts, messaging, and overall strategy to align with their specific needs and preferences.

This laser-focused approach not only enhances the effectiveness of campaigns but also fosters stronger connections and higher engagement, ultimately translating into increased conversions and sustained growth.

For our client, we found that the main fans of craft beer are young adults from Gen Z and Millennials. Looking ahead, it’s estimated that by 2030, these two groups might make up a whopping 70% of craft beer buyers. This means that not catering to Gen Z and Millennials could keep the client’s sales stuck in a slump.

Customer behavior

Understanding customer behavior intertwines seamlessly with identifying the target audience, forming a dynamic duo that propels eCommerce success. As we discern the audience’s preferences and habits, we gain invaluable insights into how they interact with our client’s offerings. This knowledge illuminates the path to crafting personalized experiences that cater to their unique behaviors, driving conversions and building lasting connections. By comprehending customer behavior within the context of the client’s defined audience, we can create a powerful synergy that fuels engagement, satisfaction, and ultimately, sustainable growth.

Customer interests and priorities

Uncovering customer interests and priorities holds the key to unlocking the heart of successful eCommerce strategies. When a brand delves into what resonates with its audience on a personal level, it taps into the emotional triggers that drive its customers’ purchasing decisions. By guiding companies toward aligning their offerings with the customers’ passions and needs, we enable them to create a compelling narrative that establishes their brand as more than just a transactional entity. This approach fosters authentic connections and resonates on a deeper level, making customers feel seen and understood.

As we do for every client, we’ve woven the insights we gained from market research into the strategies we recommend to our craft beer client—strategies that not only address the customers’ priorities but also spark genuine enthusiasm and loyalty, creating a thriving cycle of engagement and growth.

Social media: Meeting the customers where they are

In which platforms can you best reach your customers?

Understanding the platforms where a brand can best connect with its customers grants it a strategic advantage. By identifying the channels customers frequent, the brand can tailor its marketing efforts to meet them where they are, optimizing visibility and engagement. This knowledge empowers any company to allocate resources effectively, ensuring its message reaches the right audience on the platforms they prefer, driving brand awareness and facilitating seamless interactions that translate into conversions.

In this case, since this client’s target audience mainly includes Gen Zers, we need to ensure that they are active on Tiktok and Instagram.

What trends do we see in the market?

These are the trends that are transforming the way brands connect and captivate audiences:

  • Leveraging giveaways has emerged as a potent strategy, sparking the initiation of meaningful relationships with new audiences. 
  • The art of promoting limited-time offers has proven its prowess, nudging consumers to engage promptly, driven by the urgency of the moment. 
  • Bold new product launches seize attention, igniting a wave of curiosity and increasing brand visibility. 
  • Inspiring followers through lifestyle content, where products shine in real-life settings, forging relatable connections that resonate on a personal level.

Connecting with your customers

In eCommerce, forging connections with customers is paramount. These relationships go beyond transactions, establishing trust and loyalty. When customers feel valued, they not only return but also become brand advocates, creating a stable foundation against market shifts. That’s why for this client, we recommend the following strategies.

1. Partner with influencers that your audience already trust

Collaborating with influencers who have a strong following within the brand’s target audience can be a powerful way to connect. These individuals have already built trust and rapport with their followers, making their recommendations more impactful. By partnering with influencers whose values align with its brand, our client can tap into their credibility and reach a wider audience that’s likely to be interested in their products, i.e., craft beer. This strategy leverages the influencer’s established relationship with their followers to introduce the brand authentically, building a bridge of trust between our client and their potential customers.

2. Support communities & build new relationships

Engaging with online communities relevant to the brand’s industry or niche is an excellent way to foster connections. By actively participating in discussions, providing valuable insights, and helping community members, our client can showcase their expertise and genuine interest in their customers’ needs. This approach not only establishes our client as a knowledgeable resource but also creates opportunities for them to form new relationships with potential customers. By consistently offering assistance and value, they can build a reputation as a reliable and caring brand, ultimately leading to stronger connections and customer loyalty.

3. Guest post to get exposed to new audiences

Writing guest posts for reputable websites or blogs that share a similar target audience allows businesses to tap into an existing readership. By providing valuable content that resonates with the host site’s audience, companies can introduce their brand to a new group of potential customers. This exposure not only positions them as an authority in their field but also generates interest and curiosity about their offerings. For our client, it’s an effective way to expand their reach beyond their current audience, leveraging the host site’s credibility to establish their brand’s legitimacy and expertise in front of a fresh audience.

Social media planning

Here are the key steps we follow in implementing an effective social media strategy—from devising a comprehensive plan encompassing platform selection, content guidelines, and influencer research to the hands-on process of content creation, collaboration with our client’s team, and finally, the critical phases of analysis, experimentation, and reporting for continual growth.

1. Begin by crafting a clear plan outlining our strategy’s key components

  • Platform selection – Identify the social media platforms most aligned with our client’s target audience and business objectives.
  • Posting schedule Establish a consistent posting schedule that optimizes engagement based on platform insights.
  • Content briefs – Outline content themes, formats, and messaging aligned with our client’s brand identity and audience preferences.
  • Influencers research – Identify potential influencers who resonate with our client’s brand and can amplify their reach.

2. Execute the plan by creating compelling content and engaging with our client’s team

  • Content creation – Develop posts, graphics, videos, and other content according to the content briefs.
  • Collaboration with client’s team – Coordinate with our client’s team to ensure content accuracy and brand consistency.
  • Content calendar – Populate the content calendar with finalized posts, ensuring a balanced mix of content types and themes.
  • Collaboration with influencers – Work with our client in forging connections with influencers whose values align with their brand, extending their reach and authenticity through their influence.

3. Continuously analyze and refine our approach for optimal results

  • Analyze results – Regularly review metrics such as engagement, reach, and conversions to gauge the effectiveness of our strategy.
  • Experiment with content types – Test different content formats, such as videos, infographics, and user-generated content, to understand what resonates best.
  • Regular reporting – Provide our client with detailed reports showcasing the impact of our strategy, and use insights to inform future decisions.

With these steps, we help our clients establish a robust social media presence that not only resonates with their target audience but also drives meaningful engagement and growth for their business.

Making it happen: Aligning expectations and sparking engagement

Awareness is not enough. Once we bring prospects to our client’s website, we need to engage and nudge them to conversion.

Does the website grab the audience’s attention right away? Does it clearly show how great our client’s products are and the good things customers get their your services? Armed with insights from UX and customer research, we tailor our strategies to match the customers’ preferences and priorities, setting the stage for a successful eCommerce journey.

For this client, we want to experiment with social-first sales or prioritizing and leveraging social media platforms as a primary channel for generating sales and driving revenue.

We also created two concepts for the homepage—one following a classic approach and another, a bold one. 

Classic approach to website design

The classic approach to eCommerce landing page design emphasizes a clean and familiar aesthetic. It typically follows established design conventions and best practices. This approach aims for a balanced layout, easy navigation, and a sense of professionalism. The classic design features:

  • The use of straightforward language to communicate value propositions and benefits.
  • A focus on simplicity with a limited color palette, restrained use of graphics, and organized content.
  • Utilizing traditional navigation menus and structures that users are accustomed to.
  • Incorporating logos, testimonials, and security badges to establish credibility and build trust.
  • Placing prominent and easily recognizable CTA buttons guiding users towards desired actions.

Bold approach to website design

The bold approach in eCommerce landing page design embraces creativity, uniqueness, and strong visual impact. This approach seeks to stand out and capture users’ attention through unconventional design elements. The bold design features:

  • The use of vivid colors, striking images, and dynamic graphics to create visual engagement.
  • Experimentation with non-traditional layouts and arrangements to create a distinctive visual flow.
  • Employing unique fonts and typography styles to make text elements visually distinctive.
  • Highlighting the brand’s personality and identity through distinctive design elements.
  • Using creative and attention-grabbing CTAs that stand out from the norm.

While the classic approach aims for familiarity and ease of use, the bold approach strives to make a memorable impact and elicit strong emotional responses from users. Both approaches have their merits and can be effective—which one our client should go for depends on how much they are willing and comfortable to transform their image as a brand.

Wrapping up

And that’s how we work when a client comes to us with a business challenge. Then again, the approach we’ve taken for this client is specific to their situation, goals, and needs. It may be different for another company with different concerns altogether.

Wondering if it’s time you got your own eCommerce store and brand revamp? Why don’t we find out?

At scandiweb, we thrive on crafting strategies that resonate with our clients’ business DNA, ensuring their growth and success. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us and take the first step towards transforming your eCommerce venture into a thriving success story. 

Whether you’re facing challenges like our client in the craft beer sector or navigating your own distinct path, our team is ready to help. Contact us today and let’s explore the boundless possibilities for your business together.

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