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Digital Marketing and Traffic Acquisition Strategy in Apparel & Fashion

Many apparel and fashion brands struggle to attract online traffic despite having a beautifully designed website and high-quality products. It’s a requirement to adapt and innovate marketing strategies to stay competitive. 

Brands that invest in digital marketing—PPC campaigns to capture immediate interest while implementing SEO strategies to build long-term organic traffic—succeed in making a name in the industry. They also utilize marketing automation to personalize communication, nurture leads, and build customer loyalty.

Through examples of our success stories with brands in the Apparel and Fashion industry, we hope to provide valuable insights into how fashion brands can enhance their online presence and drive relevant traffic effectively.

PPC strategy for diverse retailers

First, let’s explore the PPC strategies we’ve implemented for various retailers. This collection of cases includes a market expansion, impressive ROAS improvement, targeted campaign launch, and marketing funnel revamp, highlighting proactive approaches to PPC management and successful outcomes. 

Market expansion

Sportland, a leading sportswear retailer in the Baltics, aimed to expand its operations into the Polish market. With no prior brand recognition in Poland, they partnered with scandiweb to develop a comprehensive PPC strategy.

market expansion ppc case study

The PPC team established Google Ads campaigns alongside Google Analytics 4 tracking. We implemented conversion tracking, created new feeds, conducted keyword research, and optimized responsive display and Meta ads. The approach included regular performance reviews, budget optimizations, and targeted flash sale campaigns.

Within four months, Sportland Poland experienced a steady climb in brand awareness and customer orders, quickly reaching 1,200+ monthly orders.

ROAS improvement

Krewe, a fashion eyewear brand, sought to enhance their online presence and improve ROAS through strategic PPC campaigns. scandiweb’s strategists developed a PPC strategy focusing on Google Ads and Meta Ads with keyword optimization, audience targeting, and continuous ad performance monitoring. We utilized dynamic ads to showcase Krewe’s product range effectively.

ppc strategy case study roas improvement

As a result, Krewe experienced a 600% increase in ROAS, with significant improvements in customer acquisition and online sales.

Targeted campaign launch

Hairy Baby is a niche apparel retailer. They wanted to increase online visibility and sales through targeted PPC campaigns. The PPC strategy we designed consisted of precise audience targeting, creative ad development, and continuous performance tracking across Google and Meta Ads.

ppc strategy targeted campaign launch

The campaigns led to substantial improvements in traffic and conversions (+38%), increasing Hairy Baby’s online revenue by 260%.

Marketing funnel revamp

thegoodlife., an online lifestyle and fashion retailer, requested to revamp their paid marketing funnel to drive revenue growth. We restructured their PPC campaigns, focusing on audience segmentation, ad creative optimization, and performance analysis to enhance ad effectiveness.

marketing funnel revamp ppc strategy case study

The revamped strategy generated a 128% revenue increase, proving the value of a well-executed PPC funnel.

Advanced marketing automation

Macron is a global leader in sports apparel. After onboarding Macron to scandiweb’s eCommerce Growth Accelerator, they wanted to enhance customer engagement and streamline their marketing processes.

We implemented several advanced marketing automation improvements that resulted in increased customer retention, higher conversion rates, and improved overall customer engagement for Macron.

  • Mirasvit module installation facilitated user campaigns with advanced targeting and personalization features
  • Abandoned cart strategies by setting up and monitoring abandoned cart emails and integrating coupons to recover lost sales
  • Mailchimp integration enabled seamless communication for B2B2C transactions, ensuring consistent and personalized messaging across all customer segments.
marketing automation case study

SEO strategies for sports and luxury fashion brands

Effective SEO strategies are crucial for fashion brands to enhance online visibility and drive organic traffic. This section explores the SEO approaches implemented for Sportland, Macron, Huntsman, and The Wool Company and illustrates how customized SEO strategies can drive significant improvements in organic traffic, search visibility, and revenue for sports apparel and luxury fashion brands.

High-intent optimization

Huntsman is a prestigious luxury tailor. They asked us to improve their SEO strategy to boost their online presence and attract a global clientele.

The strategy included technical SEO enhancements such as site speed optimization and structured data implementation. Additionally, we conducted keyword research and optimized content for high-intent search terms.

seo strategy case study content optimization

These efforts resulted in 170% revenue increase, improved search engine rankings, increased organic traffic, and higher conversion rates, reinforcing Huntsman’s digital footprint.

Localized SEO 

Luxury sheepskin and pashmina retailer, The Wool Company, aimed to increase organic traffic and online visibility through tailored SEO strategies. We implemented localized SEO tactics, optimized site architecture, and conducted keyword research to target niche markets. On-page content was enhanced to improve search engine rankings.

luxury fashion retailer seo case study

The Wool Company saw substantial growth in organic traffic, a significant increase in new users, and improved rankings for targeted keywords, solidifying its position in the luxury market.

On-page optimization strategy

Macron is a prominent European sportswear brand. scandiweb’s SEO team developed a 4-month SEO program covering technical SEO, on-page quality improvements, and a backlink strategy. We performed thorough content optimization across PDPs, PLPs, marketing pages, and other content pages. 

By incorporating relevant keywords in the copy, meta tags, and internal links, Macron achieved a 539% increase in SERP visibility and a 199.42% increase in total clicks on specific pages, 60.4% more impressions, and a 65.8% rise in revenue from organic traffic YOY.

on-page optimization seo case study sports retail

Growth hacking with SEO

As part of Sportland’s expansion to Poland, we also prepared and implemented an extensive SEO strategy.

scandiweb’s SEO team conducted comprehensive market research, keyword, and competitor analysis and developed a robust SEO strategy to enter the new market. The main areas covered were semantic SEO review, keyword mapping, navigation menu optimization, localized content creation, and internal linking improvements.

growth hacking seo case study

Our SEO efforts for Sportland Poland led to 1,570 new keywords and organic search revenue accounting for 14.4% of total revenue share.

SEO audits and support during clothing stores’ website migration

Website migrations are a complex undertaking. Apparel stores’ SEO performance is critical for maintaining visibility and traffic. This section highlights the importance of thorough SEO audits and support provided during multiple support and migration projects for fashion brands.

SEO audit before redesign

Mini Rodini is a popular children’s clothing brand that underwent a website redesign for their Magento 2 site and required an SEO technical audit to ensure the new designs adhered to best SEO practices.

seo audit redesign case study

scandiweb’s SEO team conducted a comprehensive technical audit, reviewing site structure, URL configurations, and on-page elements to ensure compliance with SEO standards. We then provided recommendations and implemented solutions for optimal SEO performance.

The audit ensured that Mini Rodini’s new design maintained its search engine visibility and ranking performance, providing a seamless transition without SEO-related issues.

Magento upgrade with SEO intact

Dobell’s formalwear online store needed to migrate their website from Magento 1 to Magento 2 with ScandiPWA while preserving search rankings. We performed a detailed SEO audit, keyword research, and implementation of best practices. The team focused on ensuring all SEO elements were correctly migrated to the new platform.

magento upgrade seo support case study

The migration was successful, with no loss in search rankings, maintaining Dobell’s visibility and organic traffic and increasing average CTR by 14.3%. The seamless transition ensured continued online sales performance.

SEO support during PWA migration

Hairy Baby, a niche apparel retailer, migrated to PWA and needed to ensure their SEO performance remained intact.

pwa migration seo support case study

The project began with a comprehensive SEO audit, keyword and competitor research, and required technical fixes before the go-live. Main tasks included writing meta titles and descriptions, redesigning the navigation menu, and providing go-live support to secure rankings.

Post-migration, Hairy Baby saw no drop in organic traffic. They experienced a +60% increase in Google organic traffic, +123% additional revenue, and significant growth in new keywords ranking. Traffic and revenue from international markets also increased.

SEO health score improvements

Injinji, a performance sock brand, required an SEO audit and automated technical SEO monitoring during an upgrade to the latest Magento (Adobe Commerce) release.

seo support case study injinji

Our SEO team implemented various technical SEO fixes and improvements, including XML sitemap updates, separate robots.txt and XML sitemaps for the help subdomain, and canonical tags. We also set up automated technical SEO monitoring setup to detect and fix issues promptly.

The SEO health score of Injinji’s website improved from 786 to 849, ensuring the site remained optimized and that any potential SEO issues were addressed, maintaining their search engine performance.

Proactive SEO monitoring

scandiweb’s Service Cloud provides proactive support for an international fashion company, Manzara, with 17 store views. Our support includes continuous SEO monitoring to track organic traffic performance. The SEO team monitors indexed pages, impressions, clicks, CTR of top pages, and performance of top keywords and pages. Live results from Google are tracked to ensure real-time adjustments and improvements.

Continuous monitoring allows for timely interventions, maintaining Manzara’s organic traffic performance and ensuring the website is fast, secure, and stable.

seo monitoring case study manzara


This exploration into digital marketing and traffic acquisition strategies highlights the multifaceted approach needed to enhance online visibility in the Fashion and Apparel industry. Whether you’re planning market expansion, need to set up marketing automation, or protect traffic during website migration, tailored strategies are critical to achieving substantial growth for your online store.

Also read: Custom Magento Solutions for the Apparel & Fashion Industry

Our team of experts is ready to craft a customized digital marketing strategy. If you need assistance making your fashion brand’s online presence known, contact us using the form below for a free consultation!

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