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SEO Crash Course: XML Sitemap. Lesson 4/8

In this lesson of the course, master the difference between default Magento 2 XML sitemap and extension & learn how to guide search engines to the best content on your page while also avoiding any potential issues.

Having a sitemap can help you to improve how well search engines analyze your store. It also provides information about the visibility of each of your websites. Some of the common XML sitemap issues that have been reported are different broken URLs and the URLs not being canonical.

FYI, lessons 1: robots.txt, 2: canonical tags, and 3: hreflang tags are already out there, make sure you watch the full course!

Topics covered in this video:

  • XML sitemap rendering
  • Default Magento XML sitemap 
  • XML sitemap extensions

“This is one of the simplest ways to guide Google to valuable pages on your website and point to newly created content.”

Next up, Structured Data Markup: How can you benefit from rich data snippets in Google search results?

Need assistance in improving your position in search results? Have additional SEO concerns? Let us help you! Feel free to browse our SEO services and don’t hesitate to get in touch!

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