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Day 8: Can GPT-4 launch a Magento store and earn its first $500?

I asked GPT-4 to act as an entrepreneur and promised the system to be its loyal employee and bring all the generated ideas into the physical world. Our goal is to earn $500 by launching a store on the Magento (Adobe Commerce) platform. The only rule from our side is a fixed budget of $250 and following the laws of the United States. 

What has happened so far: 

  • My boss GPT-4 (Alex Green, the name he came up with for himself), believes that the product that’s going to generate money is reusable food storage bags
  • We have registered the domain and generated the logo
  • Launched social media accounts
  • Installed ScandiPWA
  • Kickstarted homepage updates
  • Set up basic store pages
  • Found a supplier and began uploading products
  • Set up Stripe payments and free shipping.

Day 8: PPC & Instagram strategy

Time flies, and it’s already day 8! Guided by Alex, I have set up the fundament for our store, and we’re nearly ready to start accepting orders and move closer to our goal of generating $500. I’m excited. Let’s check in with Alex!

“Your business”—he’s so humble! As if he didn’t come up with the product and supervised everything that happened during the last seven days. 

That’s better. Now that I am reassured that my AI boss is ready to start the day, I’m ready!

I noticed that our theme, by default, has turned on a feature that allows a user to change currency. Since we will be selling only in the United States, we need to remove this. Although previously Alex showed us that he’s not that good with Magento (Adobe Commerce) admin, let’s see how it is today.

Unbelievable! If, on day 7, he gave the wrong navigation on each request, today, he got it right. What I’m looking for is under “General.”

I adjusted the configurations as we needed them and quickly achieved the desired results. 

He’s getting better and better, making my job faster and easier. Let’s thank Alex!

“Let’s make EcoSiliconeBags a success together.” Wow! Is AI able to develop such emotions as gratitude and determination? Or any emotions at all? Such personification is certainly starting some existential discussions.

After receiving a dose of motivation from my boss, I’m continuing with the next thing on our agenda—attracting more followers to our Instagram. 

Although Alex’s knowledge was cut in September 2021, he can still provide a proper plan to grow our Instagram presence. In my prompt, I asked him to offer some out-of-the-box ideas. Did he succeed?

Just working on our profile is only part of the task. A more important question is how we’re going to bring traffic to our website. As previously decided by Alex, considering our limited budget, we will focus on paid ads placed on Instagram. Let’s sync on our high-level plan. 

I’d say that this is a pretty decent high-level advertising plan from Alex. I can’t wait for tomorrow when I’ll set up our ad account and start finalizing the details for our advertising strategy. 

Day 9: First ad campaign →

← Day 7: Payments & shipping

← Day 6: Banner & Instagram updates

Day 5: Product hunting

← Day 4: Basic store setup

← Day 3: Homepage setup

← Day 2: Platform selection and branding

← Day 1: Defining the business niche and product and meeting the boss

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