Introducing a collection of free eBooks written by our digital growth gurus!

Over the years we’ve helped many of our clients achieve significant growth, collected dozens of case studies and multiple success recipes. To help merchants all over the world grow their businesses we decided to share our secrets by launching Growth Knowledge Library – a place where we share our knowledge with the world in the form of eBooks!
Feel free to check the eBooks we have below and stay tuned for new additions, as the library will be frequently updated! Oh, and did we mention it’s completely free?

24 Tips to Win on Social Media: Ultimate 2024 Checklist is your comprehensive roadmap to mastering social media engagement, content creation, and brand growth.
Get a comprehensive guide to building customer loyalty, from understanding the customer journey to implementing effective loyalty programs.
Harness the power of Google Analytics 4 and use it to make smarter business decisions. Find tips on BigQuery integration and data visualization with Data Studio.
Learn how to optimize your checkout for more conversions. Get to know why customers are leaving, find the right solution to checkout issues, and more!
Get a free analytics go-live checklist to make sure you’re setting up data tracking and getting the correct data for making informed, evidence-proven decisions.
Ensure that you fully understand the rules before starting your eCommerce business in the EU. Simply ticking all the boxes in this checklist can save you thousands!
Find all the necessary information about what it takes to migrate a M1 website to M2 with integrated PWA. Advantages, tech stack, migration roadmap, and more.
This book takes a critical look at the new beneficial features Magento 2 has to offer and aims to familiarise business owners with the technicality of the migration process.
This free eBook presents a thorough overview of the main components and approaches to PWA-specific React development on Magento.
Download a free guide on how to unleash the potential of the Progressive Web App technology to reach new levels of website speed and user experience.
This eBook presents a thorough overview of the core elements and approaches to PWA-specific Vue.js development on Magento and Magento 2.
Get creative with a data visualization guide packed with tips on making beautiful and useful automated reports that help to make the best data-driven business decisions.
Target the right audience and reach potential customers through people they have gotten to know and trust. Learn the best ways to do it by thoroughly familiarizing yourself with the topic on our Influencer marketing eBook.
Find inside basic concepts of A/B testing and how the A/B testing process should be organized within the company, and get inspired to adopt the experimentative mindset and start running A/B tests.
In this eBook, we offer to take a peek at a holistic 3-part SEO strategy, accompanied by two case studies of on-going Scandiweb clients that demonstrate the power of well-done SEO.
This checklist will help you tackle one of the most challenging processes from an SEO perspective – migrating an existing eCommerce website to a new platform.
Avoid errors and website downtime during the visitor spike on Black Friday and Cyber Monday by fully preparing for the sale of the year with this detailed checklist.
A full actionable migration checklist, to give you a better understanding of the specific steps required for a successful M1-M2/PWA migration.
A full actionable migration checklist, to give you a better understanding of the specific steps required to usher a migration from start to finish.

Brought to you by scandiweb

We are part of scandiweb – a digital agency developing eCommerce websites since 2003. To help our clients reach their full potential we tailor custom growth programs to each business’s needs. Our days are filled with traffic acquisition, usability and A/B testing, data analysis and visualization.

Over the last few years, we’ve been lucky to bring growth insights to bootstrapping startups and digital merchants, as well as Fortune 500 enterprises who want to generate bigger revenues online, with projects for Walmart, Thomson Reuters, The New York Times, Happy Socks, Rockar Jaguar Land Rover, Lafayette 148 NY, Cervera, and KURU footwear, among many others. Now we think it’s time we started sharing our knowledge to help you bring your online business to the next level!